What will we have at TGS ?

Hello everybody, im new here and on reddit.

Im really excited for the TGS and especialy for Monster Hunter Wilds content related, but what could we expect of it ?

I already know that we will see some gameplay from the scarlet forest and the Lala Barina hunt, but, like on the gameplay of desert part of the map. Will we see 4 monsters on the map ? Will we finaly see our boy Congalala ? And what about the monsters about the Hammer armor and morpho hache armor (yes sorry im french guys, je suis monté !). Are we going to get scammed and just see the Lala Barina, Doshaguma and Chatacabra on the hunt monsters ? (I have too many questions...)

And also, about the trailer, will we finaly see the big monster flagship or will they explain that we have multiple flagship ? Are they going to show us new cinematic with old monsters returning back like Rathalos ? Are they going to talk more of the story ?..

Sorry if this is long but i think im too hype for the new MH game ._.

Good day/night for everybody who read this post ! 👋🏻