21 and feel Defeated.

I was diagnosed in late november 2024 with Lymes, took two rounds of doxycycline and am gonna be sent to see a Lymes specialist sometime after jan 27th.

Im pretty sure ive had Lymes since summer of 2023 so i did not catch it early, My symptoms seem never ending, chest pain, fatigue, temple headache with neck pain, eye pain, abdomen pain, fatigue, nausea, and hot/cold pins and needles throughout my body.

The most concerning to me are the chest pains, pins and needles through my body and headaches, cause it scares me and my brain jumps to “im dying”

I feel so alone about having lymes cause my symptoms arnt visual and when i tell people my pains they kind of shrug me off or say “oh that sucks” I have no one to talk to about the stuff i go through that would understand.

I have to leave work early some days due to the neckpain and headaches that only go away with a 600mg ibuprofen, this keeps me from saving as much money as i need to move out and excel in life.

How do you guys deal with the anxiety/dread thats comes with these issues? Am i going to feel this way forever?