Theory on V
I would like to note their are some minor spoilers for Mass Effect’s transition from game 1 to 2 here as well. After playing for a good while I noticed something that caught me off guard. The Relic allows you to trap an individuals engram on a shard. V is killed as we know but comes back with Johnny taking over slowly.
If you take the deal with Hanako Arasaka we learn that Saburo Arasaka is still alive and comes back through his son. Why did Saburo comeback through his son and not someone they fried the brain of and let relic repair the damage? They have the plans to remake the one V has. V is told they can not do it for them because they have no kin they share DNA with.
By Saburo’s resurrection that would leave either some big plot hole in the story or the possibility that V is related to Johnny since Johnny can take over their body. If you take the ending with Rogue for example you can choose to give Johnny your body which he clearly has no issues.
Alt makes a comment to Johnny that he only fucks her when He can not get another woman. This paired with his stories of various sex romps he has had could lead to the potential that he has children he does not know about. This could give way to the theory that given the time passed and V’s age that either their Mother or Father are the child of Johnny Silverhand. This would potentially make V the grandchild of Johnny which is supported by why Saburo had to use Yorinobu to come back and not some random body.
Alternatively if the deal with Arasaka is to be used as the canon ending despite the path picked could lead to a continuation of V. If V is uploaded to Mikoshi then Arasaka could be honest and come across a body with a DNA match to give them. Additionally, with the knowledge V now has could look for kin they share DNA with to transfer to that body. This would allow for a recustomization of the character as the body would be new in the way Mass Effect 1 to 2 did.
What are other people’s thoughts on this theory?