Actually everybody is trash!
You know what - Virginia & Sara both doubling down on their ‘morals’ actually just goes to show that they are about as sturdy as wet sand. Now I did comment before that Virginia did seem to vote from a place of love but personally if you stand for nothing you’ll fall for anything. She’s falling for that mediocre basketball coach who had to have his mommy look at the prenup because he couldn’t think for himself. Who really doesn’t care about women.
Then same goes for Sara just like the Tiktok creator said you say these things to make yourself look good but if you don’t back it up with your actions it doesn’t matter. If you’re wondering why that nasty orange man is in office it’s because women like Virginia & Sara uphold these men who have deplorable values & listen to them talk of of their ass instead of calling them out. Then they go and assimilate and be with them because they’re desperate for a relationship.