The Chelsea slander in this fandom is insane
I recently watched season 6 and Jimmy was such an asshole. Chelsea was no angel but in terms of their relationship, Jimmy was the one in the wrong. All he ever did was make her feel insecure and then when she acted out on it, people act like she was the villain. No, she didn't handle it perfectly - most of us wouldn't in that situation. People really hate Chelsea for that one Megan Fox comment and it has literally blinded y'all from seeing how horrible Jimmy was.
That man constantly gaslit her and was very clearly not into her. Prime example: He basically tells Chelsea he doesnt want to have sex with her and then constantly texts/facetimes a woman he's known for 2 years who he has slept with. He then goes out to the bar with her (I don't care if it was only 30m, he went to the bar with her, period) and pretends to be completely confused as to why Chelsea was upset about it. He gaslit her on camera and then got upset that Chelsea didn't protect his little secret while he was literally baiting and gaslighting her. And for everyone saying she was invited - do you guy seriously think that a woman as insecure as Chelsea wouldn't take him up on that invitation? Be so fucking for real, if she was invited she would have been there.
That is one of many instances. Jimmy lied, a lot, but we all like to forget that because Chelsea made one annoying comment and just overall isn't the most likeable person. People also looooove to hate on a woman who isnt as conventionally attractive, thats exactly what's happening here. Chelsea isnt my favourite but to see her be constantly gaslit and treated like shit and then for the whole internet to have Jimmys back is just insane.
I've even seen multiple people calling her abusive. Even if you somehow want to believe this was all her fault, lets not insult real victims of abuse by calling her behaviour abusive. As someone with 2 psychology degrees who has been in an abusive relationship, that is not abuse. If anything is abuse in that situation, its Jimmy's constant gaslighting. None of his actions matched his words, he did absolutely NOTHING to make her feel secure in that relationship and then acted like a victim and you guys ate that shit up.
Also for everyone who's going to comment "hi chelsea", i'm just gonna put this here so you know you aren't original.