Does it make sense to keep and not use?
I was fortunate enough in my youth to collect several pieces from both the multicolored and cerise collection in my youth. I sold all of my multicolored pieces, a black speedy, a black and a white pochette and a small black multicolored.. not a wallet but a square coin purse, maybe. I sold them because I couldn’t see myself ever using them and didn’t think my daughter would be interested in them when she got older, but I used the money to purchase things for her. I still have the items I purchased from the cerise collection, but only used them a handful of times after purchase, many years ago. I never thought about selling these items because I love cherries, lol. My question is, does it make sense to keep items that are loved but I’ll probably never really use? I travel quite often but don’t want to leave these items in a hotel room for obvious reasons..