[No Spoilers] Woman with issues

This woman must have some seriouse issues going on, like she litterly singled out lost records, like she wouldnt even be worthy to report on because, i wanted to post one thing here about her because she made a video about steam, and that steam is finally going against the woke hate and sencless hatespeaches, but the funny thing is.

Video, game is bad and woke mimimi Secound Video, steam wont let me hate and insult this game and its audience, they wont let me commit hatespeaches and stuff.

3rd video, critcs like this game they are wrong and bad.

Like bro? Seriously? Like at this point, i would just admitt that it isnt bad, that it maybe is for the better that your getting banned for anti woke bs comments on steam etc.

Like idk how good steam is with banning thouse ppl but at least they are doing something. And btw i didnt watch thouse videos, i was just searching something, like u can see i was bussy with watching something that i actually like to watch. I like watched a half video from her just to get an idea and yeah she comes over like the biggest *****.

So enough of thouse news lets get back to theorys and arts and stuff. As always, yall awsome.