Losercity Armored Core )Buta99(

This is G1 Michigan reporting! Here’s a nice image for yall Redguns and Mercs on here. Do what you want with it. And ‘fore I go. ( u/Skyhatesreddit for the love of god gib more user flairs also don’t clock me with a Loona plush impact grenade Sky, I enjoy it here.) enjoy your Valentine with your gfs/bfs/wives/husbands/whoever you’re with. Now go relax. That’s an order! Now let mean old Michigan enjoy his Liger wife’s appreciation. G1 out!

This is G1 Michigan reporting! Here’s a nice image for yall Redguns and Mercs on here. Do what you want with it. And ‘fore I go. ( u/Skyhatesreddit for the love of god gib more user flairs also don’t clock me with a Loona plush impact grenade Sky, I enjoy it here.) enjoy your Valentine with your gfs/bfs/wives/husbands/whoever you’re with. Now go relax. That’s an order! Now let mean old Michigan enjoy his Liger wife’s appreciation. G1 out!