Just started and finished LOTM in under a month and want to talk and ask some questions.

Hi, as the title says I just wanted to discuss some aspects of the story. I don't have friends who likes to read and the ones that does like it aren't interested so I have come to vent. I'm just starting COI and have no expectations of meting the old cast anytime soon because of Power Creep. Without time skip most of the cast were already demi demis so there is no point in having them at the very beginning ruining all the tension. I have not read the side stories yet tho. I heard that Fors is in COI and I'm hyped because she is one of my favorites characters, she did little but I felt represented with her actions. Overall the story really met my expectations although it is really difficult to read sometimes in the middle of the fights. Yes, the fights once you understand them are really really good but the fact that it gets so confusing that you have to re-read to understand something is still a negative for me.

The first of my questions is why everyone says that the first volume is boring or slow? I found it very entertaining and to this day is my second favorite besides Lightseeker. There wasn't a single chapter that I didn't enjoy. In my opinion Volume two is the worst but it's still a solid 8/10.

The second is about the angel of time. Who??? Like, I can see arguments for both.

Do we see the books Fors wrote about Mr. World personas? My personal theory is that Melisa converted to the Fool faith because Klein was somehow referenced as a believer.

Feel free to ask questions, after all I have come here to have a discussion with someone.