Opinion: Maybe Kingdom Hearts?

(Best flair/tag I could think of) So I only saw the announcement for the MTG/Final Fantasy Collab. While that’s pretty exciting for any MTG players, that brings up a thought I’ve had in regards to Lorcana

I only recently got into Lorcana, but as I saw the cards and franchises and references, I got just a little spark of hope that MAYBE Lorcana could include Kingdom Hearts at some point in the (likely far) future. It involves Disney, includes a plethora of characters/creatures/items, and could bring up variants for classic characters like having King Mickey, Royal Magician Donald, etc.

In the meantime, the Final Fantasy collab with MTG gives a little hope but also a sad possibility of defeat. Since Square Enix owns Final Fantasy and has stake in Kingdom Hearts, I have three main thoughts:

1) Does Square Enix collaborating with one TCG company kill the hope of working with another?

2) If the collaboration doesn’t hurt the odds, am I the only one who’s hoping to see the Keyblade in future sets?

3) Has Ravensburger addressed the possibility of Kingdom Hearts or similar projects joining future sets already?