Finally ready to post

Hey everybody. Really stoked to finally be posting. Knock on every piece of wood in existence but I think Im on the other side of this whole thing. I would say Im 85% healed and I haven’t had chest pains in about 3 months. Thats good for me at least.

Backstory I got the jab in June of ‘22 for a faang that said I HAVE to have it or they wouldnt hire me. I was desperate to break into tech and did it despite not feeling good about it. Turns out I ended up being remote and never need it (fml).

About 3 days after the shot I started to experience the most intense chest pain. I had never experienced chest pain up to this point not from anything, ever. So when I got the pain I knew it was from the shot.

I started freaking out as the first year I was in and out of the hospital every other month. Long story short I was written off for “anxiety” and every test came back normal. Frustrating beyond belief. There were many nights I sat in the ER parking lot just feeling the pain, ready to go in, but remember it would just be a waste of time and money. I went to an urgent care one night I thought I was actually having a heart attack and racked up a 5k bill.

I took some holistic approaches like cutting sugar, cutting caffeine. No processed food. I did all sorts of vitamins and supplements. I did therapy for anxiety and every destressing technique I could find. It came back with everything I tried.

I decided to quit every approach to try to heal this and just fought with time and patience.

Its nearly 2 years later and I do feel better. I lost a lot. My body is in worse shape now as I had to let go of a lot of hiit classes and running and heavy lifting as it really aggravated the pain and truly made me think I would not come out of the workout.

Today I still take my workouts pretty easy. I have reintroduced hiit and running but very easy I dont push myself. I notice flares with really strange things so 1) you can read above the workouts I still take really easy. Tbh Im probably ok but honestly scared from the past two years. 2) alcohol. I flare with alchy very mild chest pain. 3) ultra processed foods - so I cook at home for 90% of my meals.

Overall I really hate that this happened to any of us. I do agree with posts when they say try not to sit on this sub and ruminate. Instead ruminate on the recovery sub.

Hope this helps someone and AMA below.