If you've met your partner, how comfortable were you the first time you met?

I met my boyfriend of almost 4 months last week and i still can't believe how comfortable i was with him instantly. Sometimes if i haven't seen a friend in a while it takes me a few hours to fully warm up to them again, i was expecting it to be something along the lines of that. but it was normal instantly.

we slept in the same bed about 5 hours after meeting and i've genuinely never been able to fall asleep the way i did. it usually takes me 15 mins - an hour to fall asleep, there's just so much to think about, but with him there wasn't a thought in my mind and i was asleep in minutes, i was amazed.

i thought i would really hate waking up next to someone i want to seem attractive to cause ive never been a morning person and i always look a wreck when i wake up but the moment i opened my eyes he called me beautiful and any fear i had of being less attractive vanished.

i really could go on and on about how comfortable he made me, all the way to the point of losing my virginity, but there's no need to go that far, you get the point 😉 he was only here for 3 days but i'm going to visit him in a couple months for 2 weeks 😁

i love this man so much and i will be marrying him thank you very much. what about you? of course everyone has different experiences and there's nothing wrong at all with needing time to warm up to one another. i'm curious how it felt for everyone else ☺️