Wings & Becky deserve each other.

I see why they have an attraction. They are the same person. Wings, its clear Kelly is not the one for you. From barely making love to her, to treating her emotionally like dirt, to seeing other women flirting with you and salivating at the mouth. Its obvious you "settled" for her in your mind. Let this woman go get a better life. She won't leave you due to her Christian background. Be a man and leave her instead and be with Becky. I know its what you want. Its blatantly obvious. Everyone can see it.

Kelly, divorce this child. You truly deserve better. I guarantee one of your running buddies has taken an interest in you. Go be with him, you'd be better off with a fling than with wings and this is coming from someone being raised in the church. God won't be mad at you for leaving this person. TRUST me. He was probably upset you married this fat failure to begin with. Go get a better life gal, you deserve it. You have a pure heart. He does not. Go be genuinely happy with someone who takes genuine interests in your progress, takes care of your needs (emotional and physcial) and is supportive of his woman. Aka the opposite of Wings. Good night y'all.