Distribution of the Dolgan Language

Day 1 of trying to map all minority languages spoken in russia by hand. The applied data was extracted thanks to mapcarta.com, google earth, wikipedia and other websites available online

Every dot represents a single village or town where a considerable amount of inhabitants speaks the language at hand according to the 2010 census. From left to right, The dots represent the following settlements:

Karyyerkan, Norilsk, Talnakh, Ust-avam, Volochanka, Cheta, Novaya, Kresty, Khatanga, Shadnicha, Kayak, Novorybnaya, Syndasko, Popigay, Yuryung-Khaya

Please note that I am not a linguist and have no experience in mapping. I am just a student with too much free time. So if you have complaints or criticism towards this map please let me know.