Weapon combination system greatly skewed in favor of technique builds?

There are always huge benefits of taking a heavier blade with a slow native moveset but high base damage and putting it on a faster handle. I would almost call this one of the main “meta”. Having a big chunky blade might slow down the move set of a light handle a little bit and cost more stamina, but it’s well worth it. you’ll be getting all the benefits of increased stagger and damage of a weapon you normally wouldn’t be able to use effectively in a technique build, with faster animations. Best of both worlds. However, I think it’s a shame that the reverse isn’t nearly as effective. Putting a lighter blade on a heavier handle doesn’t really seem to do anything besides nerf your damage, guard reduction and stagger potential. Doesn’t seem to make the given handles moveset meaningfully faster either. Are there any benefits at all? I always use a technique build so it’s great for me but do any motivity users agree with this and find it to be a balance issue?