Shows where women act gay but are actually straight

It's a trope in plenty of shows, both me and my fiance noticed this, but haven't seen it brought up anywhere. I see it in almost every show where the main character is a woman. The first one thst comes to mind is 'Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries'. The main character, Miss Fisher, and her detective partner, Dot, have the most chemistry out of any characters in the show. They have had plenty of seemingly gay moments together. For example, Dot constantly seeing Miss Fisher in her undergarments, Miss Fisher giving Dot a kiss and the lipstick mark staying there for the rest of the episode, or how the only time Dot didn't have a confused or anxious look, and even smiled is when Miss Fisher conplimented and gave her positive reinforcement. Instead, they made Dot marry a man she has zero chemistry with, and even looks uncomfortable around him. And Miss Fisher is with a different man every couple episodes. I've seen such things in various different shows and films.