Update on next episode of The Last Drive-in
Just got confirmation from Darcy herself on Instagram that next episode of Last Drive-in is indeed slasher night! I'm super excited and hoping for two awesome slasher movies. Intruder with Ted raimi is what I assume will happen but there's no guarantee on that just yet.
Which slashers would you like to see? 80s? Maybe a more modern slasher like x or thanksgiving would be fun to see. The burning and the intruder would be an awesome double feature. So many options.
Just got confirmation from Darcy herself on Instagram that next episode of Last Drive-in is indeed slasher night! I'm super excited and hoping for two awesome slasher movies. Intruder with Ted raimi is what I assume will happen but there's no guarantee on that just yet.
Which slashers would you like to see? 80s? Maybe a more modern slasher like x or thanksgiving would be fun to see. The burning and the intruder would be an awesome double feature. So many options.