
I see a lot of I feel sorry for Sophia posts and comments and this is my take on it- (This is just my opinion) I don’t feel sorry for her, I feel sorry for that poor baby being brought into such a toxic home. 1) Everyone knew about Shylas accusations and him even admitting he’s controlling. (I know some people have mixed feelings about Shyla but she was young and from my knowledge was the first to come forward so she didn’t know his past) 2. Prior to Sophia, Landon’s posts were even more weird and disgusting click bait- Sophia even admitted that’s why she left him the first time 3. I’m not sure if she’s one of those girls who think she could change his behaviours but why would you date&have a baby with someone who has such an awful past? Sophias old enough (at least from how old she looks) to make a sound judgment and she didn’t because the $$$ was too important to find someone without such a nasty history. She had a chance to leave him for good and came back so to me that’s on her. Of course I’m not going to say I want bad things to happen to her but I also dont have that much sympathy for her because everything Landon’s done in the past is an easy internet search.