Going through simulated hell on lsd. (my worst ever trip)
I love this drug, Every part of it, I haven’t had horrible trips before, sure some bad ones where i’m a little confused on myself and need to make a change to be better. But never have i experienced a hell like i had when i first mixed lsd and weed, i was 13, stupid and sleep deprived, being heavily addicted to weed wasn’t doing me wonders and being stupid i hadn’t smoked on lsd before, completely unaware of the effects, and thus i dropped a 250ug tab, at 3am i sneak downstairs to go rip my bong peaking off the tab of acid, It was dark. So dark in fact that i could see closed eye visuals by just looking down even with my eyes open.
i managed to get into my shed and packed 1 gram on my bong, taking a couple hits, i was sat down for this so i didn’t feel the effects straight away though there was a slight “brightness” as if everything was a little easier to see, i get through about 1.5 grams until i notice “holy shit.. everything looks very different” I stood up and decided to try and leave my shed, only to realise i’d lost the keys in the darkness, and whenever i would turn on my flashlight i would get jumpscared with bright fractals, after about a hour of being stuck in there i got out after finding the keys on the side of my desk next to a paint roller that had covered it up.
as soon as i walk out all the stones in my garden seem to pop out at me, it didn’t look as dark obviously so now i could actually see my garden, the only problem is i was in fact, tripping so fucking hard, than i fell and hit my head on one of the stepping stones to my shed, getting up and in pain i feel where the bruise is only to look down and see blood on my hand, i’ve been injured on lsd before, some little cuts, maybe a bruise or a stubbed toe, but this was new to me.
I panicked, i was supposed to be “a master at tripping” (i’d only tripped 2 times prior) and yet here i am gashing open my head. this is about the point where my trip starts to get blurry as i don’t remeber much after the hit to the head, but something i do vividly remember is finding my way into the dark forest behind my house over my fence and laying down looking up, My head hurt a lot and eventually when i stumbled back into my house i went to my room where i continued to touch the gash, it HURT and there was a fair amount of blood. Eventually i realise this was a bad idea and watch a couple “sober up” videos on youtube.
They barely help, but they helped enough for me to go grab some bandages from downstairs and plaster them to the area my head hit. Other than that im kinda sure i passed out after going back upstairs, though i could’ve experienced more paranoia for another couple hours and completely forgot about it. This whole trip had REALLY horrible paranoia too, the weed had made me start having some auditory hallucinations that sounded almost like whispers and low droning music. This is the furthest i can get into detail as i don’t remember much else due to it being so long ago too.