I finnaly tripped, pink Floyd is the best.

Just came down from my first lsd trip and it was so amazing. I took a 220ug gel tab which was a lil too much but I am super proud of how I was able to stay in the right mindset and push me out of a bad trip.
 I took the tab around 9 30 and first started feeling it at 10 as I was nonstop giggling and buzzing all around my arms and legs. I was in a minecraft server with my friends when it hit me fully, and it hit hard. I was seeing patterns all around my carpet, legs, walls, it was amazing. But for all of it to happen so suddenly, I was starting to panic, so I went on youtube and watched a nature video. The video looked just like those high dose shroom effect videos, it was so surreal. Patterns were growing in the grass as trees warped and danced. I then went to my last resort and turned on finding nemo, holy shit. The background turned infinite of growing and moving patterns, it felt so alive.
But then started to feel nauseous, and then really nauseous. So I turn all my lights off and my computer and huddled around my trash can. I was seeing crazy CEV's that I've never seen before and the trash bin morphed into a void. I could feel my panicked heart beat harder and harder and I knew I had to do something to get me out of this. So I go to spotify and turn on the dark side of the moon.             Holy shit, I probably listened to the album 20 times this trip. The synths and bass were mesmerizing and the vocals took over me. After 1:30 I was calmed down and on top of the world.
I finnaly turned on my lights in my room and again I was met with amazing patterns on the floor and walls and my bed. I remember thinking,"This bed has a million waves on it". My bed looked like an ocean, it was insane.

After all this I sadly forgot that I wanted to see what terraria would be like as I thought that would be cool, but instead I was in my bed listening to dark side of the moon and I'm not in love a billion times making hand trails in CEV's. 100/10 experience, am definitely going to do again in a few months.