Breaking down and waking up handcuffed at the hospital
So a few weeks ago I dropped between 200- 400 at a friends house, I felt pretty confident to begin with, as I have tripped plenty of times and have previously taken much higher doses and never had a bad trip. (Foreshadowing) Well about 20 minutes go by and shits getting crazy, by this point I'm already seeing things moving and holding a conversation becomes almost impossible as I'm constantly distracted by everything around me. I start to worry a bit as none of my friends had even started tripping yet. I attempt to ground myself, taking deep breaths and assuring everything will be okay. As the trip only gets more and more intense I stupidly joined my friends and smoked a joint (I don't know what I was thinking, I could barely understand what was going on) The next thing I remember is we're back inside and now everything's going in loop, unlike any loop I've experienced, this time the same 4 seconds kept playing over and over. It's hard to describe what happened after this, everything after this point felt like a whole other reality, I felt as if everything I had experienced was all fabricated and I had just now realized it. I lost all sense of identity and couldn't recognize any of my friends. I thought of a bunch of strange ways I believed I could escape this fake reality, for example, that I would wake up in my real body if only I said a certain phrase, like a password, or by finding the right "pixel" in the simulation and shit like that. I was completely in my head. Later I believed that I had died and woken up in my true body, I don't know how to explain it but I was told that I was good at heart and reassured me that I deserved to feel happy for my new eternal life.
Well then I woke up at the hospital, handcuffed with a (epidermic needle?) Stuck in my arm. Apparently I had lost my shit and taken of all my clothes, pissed on the floor, tried to climb the neighbors fence, when my friends tried to physically stop me I became aggressive and pushed my buddy into the TV, smashing it. They called for help when I smashed a glass and started rolling around in it
I worked everything out with my friends and made sure everything was payed for and apolegized but to be honest I'm emotionally ruined, and I can't get rid of this heart wrenching feeling of guilt and worthlessness, I think about it every day, and it's eating me up inside, I'm stuck not know what to make out of all of this and not knowing how to improve, long story short dont get cocky, a few tabs could woop your ass