I used to watch her videos back in 2016 when I first started getting into manifestation. I stopped when she started talking about twin flames. Later I unsubscribed when she spoke about having alien babies and fucking in between dimensions or something like that. I thought she was consuming substances. She also had sketchy courses for sale at that time. I was still in her fb group back in 2020 (not for her but for the community)when the BLM movement took off after the George F incident. I remember she had a live with a black creator who is a conspiracy theorist (Young Pharaoh)and he said some horrible things about what happened to GF. That was insane. I don’t know if anyone remembers. I do recall a BW creator talking about how YT spiritual creators were not handling the BLM movement and the GF incident in a proper manner, that included Aaron Doughty( Leeor’s alleged TF) it was weird and it made me stop watching LOA content. Does anyone still watch her? Have you bought her courses? Jewelry? I haven’t kept up with her until she popped into my head.
I used to watch her videos back in 2016 when I first started getting into manifestation. I stopped when she started talking about twin flames. Later I unsubscribed when she spoke about having alien babies and fucking in between dimensions or something like that. I thought she was consuming substances. She also had sketchy courses for sale at that time. I was still in her fb group back in 2020 (not for her but for the community)when the BLM movement took off after the George F incident. I remember she had a live with a black creator who is a conspiracy theorist (Young Pharaoh)and he said some horrible things about what happened to GF. That was insane. I don’t know if anyone remembers. I do recall a BW creator talking about how YT spiritual creators were not handling the BLM movement and the GF incident in a proper manner, that included Aaron Doughty( Leeor’s alleged TF) it was weird and it made me stop watching LOA content. Does anyone still watch her? Have you bought her courses? Jewelry? I haven’t kept up with her until she popped into my head.