Let's Play Kingdom Death - Table Ready Pt.2: Our First Foray against the Screaming Antelope

TGIF Survivors! Happy Weekend to you all, and those with games going on, may your loot pulls be great and your crits be plentiful.

We'll be going live with our second episode of Kingdom Death tomorrow afternoon at 1:00PM EST ( 11:00 AM PST/ 1800 GMT). I wanted to thank all of the feedback we've received since our last show and We've made a few changes that I'm very excited about what's next.


We're wrapping up our third Lantern year having killed a white lion at the end of our last session. Our oldest survivor took a -1 strength permanent Debuff and we're heading back to our settlement phase. Then We'll be starting off with our first Screaming Antelope. Come on by and Join us!