Wanted to share my moon rover
I wanted something inexpensive, light & fast. Its purpose is to visit different biomes on the moons.
I was faced with the issues of gravity and how people are not big fans of light rovers and favor small hopers. Hopefully this will provide an alternative.
On the front are 4 ant engines points downwards and 2 in the rear. By applying small thrust you are able to maintain speeds of over 80 m/s on the mun (I have gone up to over 200 m/s by using the rear spark engine but beware of minor elevations, at that speed even a minor pothole can be catastrophic). Should your wheels tilt to one side just apply full thrusters to regain control.
On the front is a probe command module for stability assist and a docking port jr. Tons of science equipment is available to be used and stored on the experiment storage device.
A spark engine is located in the rear to provide speed. I like to use a 1-5% thrust while I use the wheel power to propel forward. Once you hit an incline to jump over (like a crater) give it a full thrust and you'll go far. (Yes this baby can fly on low gravity moons with no problem at all) As long as you are not going at over 100-150 m/s you do not need to apply retrograde propulsion. The wheels will generally bounce off giving you extra distance.
Finally, it is powered using a fuel cell to save on space and weight.
Hope you enjoy it. I created it using near future mods. You could build something similar in vanilla.
Below is a youtube video showing how it performs and below that is pictures.