Could Mr Forkle be Sophie’s biological father?

I recently stumbled upon this theory that one of the Mr Forkles is her bio dad. The evidence I’ve collected isn’t the most solid, but I think it’s interesting!

  • When he died, he told Keefe “Take care of my moonlark”. Of course, that’s most likely because it’s project moonlark and stuff, but have you ever noticed that it’s the parents that leave the moonlarks to fend for themselves yet watch from afar? Mr Forkle was Sophie’s neighbor, and watched over her safety without her knowing. Could this mean it’s one of the twins??

  • Before the gang went to Exillium, Forkle told Sophie “I am not your father.” (when he was listed as her father in some documents) and the I was italicized. Could he have been emphasizing that he wasn’t the father, but it was his twin? He always tries to not lie to her, and this wasn't exactly a lie.

  • He seemed very confident that Sophie wouldn’t find out her biological father. Maybe it was because he's the father and he's pretty good at lying.

  • Sophie told Oralie that her enhancing was stronger on empaths and telepaths, to which Oralie seemed alarmed. This almost confirms that her bio dad could be a telepath. Both of the Forkles are incredible telepaths, and because of this they possibly just decided to use their own DNA.

  • They generally share a very close relationship, and Forkle seems almost fatherly to her.

  • Kinda adding to the previous point: there was a deleted scene from Neverseen and it was mentioned that Mr Forkle chose Ella for Sophie. Could this be a sign Shannon wanted to add, but then deleted?

I'd love to hear any thoughts on this!