What's a popular kdrama everyone likes that YOU didn't like?

Mr. Sunshine for me. I am a huge fan of historical kdramas, and I went into this with high expectations. I dropped it at ep 18.

But there's really no particular reason why I disliked it other than that I got major major second lead syndrome. I fell for Dong Mae hard. That one scene of him grabbing onto her skirt lives rent-free in my head. One of the most passionately sexy scenes I've ever seen. The pure desire, the heat in his eyes, my god🥵

I held on until ep 18 for Dong Mae, but I ended up dropping it anyway. I can see it's a good show, and I have absolutely zero complaints about it tbh. It's exactly the type of story I usually love but for some reason, it just never “clicked” for me. I have no idea why. Usually, I can say why I disliked a show, but for this one, I really have no clue.

It just didn't grab me for whatever reason. There are some scenes (mostly of Dong Mae) that I go and re-watch from time to time, and I do like those, but overall, the show failed to keep my interest :(

Mr. Sunshine for me. I am a huge fan of historical kdramas, and I went into this with high expectations. I dropped it at ep 18.

But there's really no particular reason why I disliked it other than that I got major major second lead syndrome. I fell for Dong Mae hard. That one scene of him grabbing onto her skirt lives rent-free in my head. One of the most passionately sexy scenes I've ever seen. The pure desire, the heat in his eyes, my god🥵

I held on until ep 18 for Dong Mae, but I ended up dropping it anyway. I can see it's a good show, and I have absolutely zero complaints about it tbh. It's exactly the type of story I usually love but for some reason, it just never “clicked” for me. I have no idea why. Usually, I can say why I disliked a show, but for this one, I really have no clue.

It just didn't grab me for whatever reason. There are some scenes (mostly of Dong Mae) that I go and re-watch from time to time, and I do like those, but overall, the show failed to keep my interest :(