Generic Rogue & Generic Ki Warrior (WIP)
Well! I've got two jumps in the works for you guys today.
I decided to write these two together specifically because, combined, they basically make a Generic Ninja jump and I found that fun.
ETA: I'm primarily looking for ideas for the 300cp perks at this point in time, but Items and Drawbacks are more than welcome.
My list of upcoming jumps is as follows:
- Generic Barbarian
- Generic Custodial Warrior
- Generic Druid
- Generic Patron
- Generic Vampire
- Generic Werebeast
- Generic Sin Warrior
- Generic Mad Scientist
- Generic Dragon
- Generic Warrior
- Generic Warlock/Cultist
- Generic Sorcerer
- Generic Magic Warrior
- Generic Rune Warrior
- Generic Engine Warrior
- Generic Garden Warrior
- Generic Fitness Warrior
- Generic Witch Hunter
(The list keeps getting longer... please help. Someone do some of these jumps so I can take them off the list!)