What's Your Favorite Thing To Mail Order?
This is a fun chat to have, but what's your favorite perk to Mail Order? If you're unfamiliar with Mail Order, it's a house rule by Cliffc999 and can be found by clicking here. I'll also copy paste it here.
Mail Order
The Mail Order houserule allows a Jumper to spend his CP allotment from the jump they are currently taking to obtain something from another jump-doc provided that they pay full undiscounted price.
Mail Order may also be used to back-order things from jumps that you have already completed. In this case alone you still may use any discounts that you were eligible for when you were taking the jump in question. Mail Order may also be used to purchase things with an undiscounted CP cost of 0 at either a flat rate of 50 cp or the "pay X to retain this post-jump" price (if any is specified), whichever is higher.
Mail Order is intended to be used for purchasing inanimate or intangible things such as skills, abilities, powers, or items. Mail Order may never be used to purchase sentient beings that follow you from jump to jump, whether that be as Companions, followers, AIs, or random inhabitants of a domain. Items that give you entirely new sets of 'generic' employees in each new jump (like several of the items that give you corporations) are fine; kingdoms and inhabited pocket dimensions and star empires and suchlike are not.
When relevant (such as for the purpose of adjudicating Power-Loss Drawbacks), things that are Mail Ordered are treated as if they were part of the jump they were delivered to and purchased with the CP from.
Since the 'free' purchases have been historically vulnerable to abuse they are under a further injunction; no such purchase may be substantially more powerful than a comparable option in the jump being mailed to.
Also, Gauntlets are completely outside the Mail Order houserule. You cannot obtain anything from a Gauntlet unless you are actually in that Gauntlet at the time, and likewise you cannot purchase anything from outside the Gauntlet you are currently taking.
Interaction: Mail Order functions normally in both Creative Mode and Long-Haul Mode. As always, self-restraint and good taste are encouraged in Creative Mode but ultimately its your single-player experience.
Interaction: Anything Mail Ordered from Generic First Jump or One True Build Jump are considered part of your Body Mod, just as things obtained in G1J or OTB itself are. You may not Mail Order Basic Requirements.
This is a very fun thing, and there's a MULTITUDE of phenomenally good perks and items you can use it to buy. That said, I do have a personal favorite for this. There's a single perk I would absolutely always get using this. I've mentioned this before, because holy fuck is this a good perk, but as far as bang for your buck goes it is EXTREMELY difficult to match Germanic/Norse Mythology Jump's Afarkaup Avarkostir perk, which is the capstone for the Trickster origin.
Afarkaup Avarkostir|600|: Everything has a price in Norse mythology, and there is no means around that, but the price is sometimes negotiable or able to be paid by others, and you have already paid a great price it seems and in return this gift. The cost for you will be reduced by an order of 3 and your gains will be increased by an order of 3. The cost of what? Anything within reason really. If you went to purchase a cow for 50 gold, you'd hand over 17 gold and get 3 cows instead or one cow that was 3 times better. How does that work; like, where do the extra cows come from? Seriously, just roll with it. If you were crafting a sword it would take up a third of the material and you might get three copies of it; it would take a third of the time to craft and be of three times higher quality. You can not cycle items this way by repurchasing something that has been acquired, enhanced, multiplied, or made through this, but god help the money markets as it's still fairly exploitable. Working out for an hour will take 20 minutes and only a third of the stamina and provide growth as if you worked out for three hours and received 3 times the gains per hour. While it can never reduce your cp cost, purchasin g things like levels in an rpg setting with exp, items, or cp will grant you 3 times the amount, it functions as you please either in a gestalt fashion or increasing your capacity for hard limits and levels by an order of 3. You will receive 3 of any item purchased with cp. The costs you pay are now indifferent to the specifications, if you make a contract with a demon for your soul, you can substitute in anyone else's unless there are other stipulations like a powerful or good soul, if the specifications are for unique items or things so rare they might as well be, you may all but ignore such specificities with even a glancing notion of an attempt for equivalency ( a deal for the strongest soul in the universe, you could just go grab the soul of a random guy just getting into bodybuilding or a gym rat.) A deal for your life, ok I have this slave here you can use as you wish for 1/3rd of each day or here is 1% of the life force from 100 people under my rule or power. The ability to substitute is in direct proportion to how specific the deal is meant to be, how rare the thing being paid is, and how personal it is to you; something like gold you may MAY be able to switch out for jewels gemstones and other currencies if the dealer isn't a stickler but you could not switch out for fool's gold and receive the benefits of this perk, an heirloom magic necklace thats been in your family for generations could be switched out for a necklace of similar craft and make containing some magic blessings. This will not stop people from noticing a substitution has been made or getting miffed about it, but the deal will be considered valid if you try to stay within reason.
Capstone Boosted - Everything and everyone has a price and you know exactly what it is in a dollar figure or some other form of currency and trade. If no one has the authority to sell something to you, the cost can be sacrificed as a kind of ritual removing it from the world. Everyone knows what you've purchased is yours and you know if someone tries to steal your stuff. This extends to services also but it can't force someone to do something if they absolutely wouldn't do it under any circumstances, otherwise, you know exactly how much this service costs, unless it involves selling you something, then they have to sell it. As a nice aside you no longer need to track down the owner of the items, just yell out in the museum that you are purchasing a painting and just like Batman acquiring a fancy hotel on a whim it will work itself out. You hold power over the things you own and may wield them completely and freely as you wish. You may place any arbitrary restrictions on that which you own and it can never be used against you unless you permit it to be so; all that is yours can be revoked and returned to you with ease. Objects, ideas, powers, gifts, thoughts, and skills acquired on loan or temporary trade count as yours for the full duration of the deal and can not be revoked and under deals or offers set for indeterminate durations they are permanent and irrevocable even if the contract is violated as they are now yours completely and utterly, I pity the fool who lets you borrow their hammer.
If you get this by itself you only get the base form (as in everything before the capstone boosted section). That is still fucking incredible. Three of any fiat-backed item is hilariously, stunningly strong, but frankly this is even more valuable in the practical, active phase of a jump. While this is the most valuable early on when money has real value, it retains its value in higher-power, more esoteric jumps and is especially handy for jumpers who like deal-making and doing business.
There is so much power here for any type of jumper, but if you like creating jumpers who are people first and foremost getting this right away is fucking incredible as it tremendously cuts down on the unnecessary bullshit you need to do in early jumps to get by (and that's without going into various ways it makes items much, much stronger). Any item focused jumper should try to snag this as early as they can, and if you can get it out the gate it's worth tackling some drawbacks for. I think a generic first jumper who gets permission to get a single thing mail-ordered should either get some durability thing or this, and frankly I think this might be worth more since with this you can invest the item stipend you get into basic necessities and get more than half a million dollars a year (and still have 100 CP to use elsewhere!), and that half a million actually gets even farther thanks to the perk itself working on your purchases. A super valid, solidly intelligent, strategy would be to snag the 100 CP version of basic necessities and the stamp book, since you go from 1 to 3, and if you have the collector origin you get that for free AND snag the maxed out cellphone or the normal tier laptop, getting three of each.
This perk is also just my favorite Q.O.L. perk that doesn't make you not have needs. It's a quality of life perk that doesn't say "Actually, you don't have to eat/sleep/breathe", it's a QOL perk that says "Look these things still matter, but holy fuck dude they are a LOT easier now" and that's more interesting than making you invulnerable or whatever. I think it's just fun to grab this and see the various ways it can be used.
The practical impacts of this are just ridiculous. As an example, this perk would make it so that your rent goes from 900 dollars a month to 300 dollars, and if you paid that you'd be paying for three months worth of rent. That's IMMENSE. Imagine if you only had to pay a third of your rent four times a year? And the impact is even more profound on more ordinary purchases. Imagine you have to spend 150 dollars on groceries, with this perk you'd have to spend 50 dollars on groceries and you get 150 dollars worth of them. This perk is transformational, and while it's easiest to think of its impact early on in your chain that's kind of when it matters the most. Early on in a chain is when most perks will have their true value shown.
If you are an American jumper and you jump to a modern American setting, federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hour. With this you get 21.75 if you clock in for a third of an hour. If you clock in for a full hour you get 65.25 for your hour of work. That's over 500 dollars for a full eight hour shift. And each of those dollars is worth three dollars, meaning you are getting over 1,500 dollars a day. That's at minimum wage, and generic first jump has a career perk which means you should be getting well over minimum wage. And the boons you get from this only improve as you go further and further in your chain, with it making it effectively 9 times easier to level up if you grab classes and class levels, and of course its hilarious impact on the importance of buying fiat-backed items. It's just really good.
What do you like to mail-order?