Ravenwood Updates

Ravenwood - The Material Plane 2.1


2.1 Update

● Reverted By Right Divine to its Older version.

● Added Bloodlines and Wyrdling to the Lineages.

● Replaced the Mastery perk with a Mastery Perks Section. These are identical to the ones from the Demiplane jump and includes the Chief Druid perk, which is also included in the Demiplane jump.

● Added the Artifacts of Power section with 8 artifacts of power.

● Modified the Villain Item to have the option to get a free Artifact of Power.

● Added Summoning Contract, Family Unit, Homunculus, & Party Up to the Companions section.

Ravenwood - The Demiplane 3.1


3.1 Update

● Added Bloodlines and Lineage - Wyrdling to Racial Modifiers

● Added the Druid and Chief Druid perks.

● Replaced the Aethermental Artifact of Power with The Hidden Accords. The Aethermental has been reworked and is now in the Material Plane jump as a Familiar Binding artifact.

● Various Spelling and Grammar Fixes.

● Separated the Capstone Boosts from the General Notes

● Added examples for the Legacy perk in the Notes section.

● Modified the All Are Welcome in Wonderland drawback to give bonus CP if you took certain origins in both jumps.

● Added a Note that gives bonus CP under certain circumstances if you’ve taken both The Material Plane and this jump.

● Moved the Spark of Divinity scenario to the Adventure Supplement.

So... not as big a change as the last ones, but this is still a big shift. But the biggest one is probably the Demiplane now has two additional sources of CP. I know how much of a CP vampire it is and I'm trying to help with that, especially for specialized jumpers.

I have more in the works as well! The Adventure Supplement is going to be getting a rework soon, as well as scenarios for a bunch of Artifacts of Power for the power sources that do not have them. Namely, Delfire and all of the Lineage magics.

I will, however, be focusing on another project for the time being. I want to finish the Betwixt update and the Generic Explorer jump before the end of the month, so I'm focusing on those for the time being.


ETA: And for those interested in the Artifacts of Power for the Scenarios, check here. It has the completed versions of the artifacts. They are available for 600cp each, just like other artifacts of power, and can be taken in either the Material Plane or the Demiplane jump. The scenario would just make them free.