Why we MUST glaze Wuta

Because our GOAT did! GOATjo glazes Yuta at every possible opportunity! He does it here when talking about his other students, he does it again to Kenjaku when he’s about to be sealed and he even calls Yuta more blessed than himself when they’re preparing for the Sukuna fight.

It is our sworn duty to glaze Yuta because it is what our GOAT would’ve wanted! Will you really let his final wishes be in vain? Let GOATjo’s will be so easily tossed to the side? No! We will not! For the sake of our glorious blue eyed king, we MUST defend the Wuta agenda!

Because our GOAT did! GOATjo glazes Yuta at every possible opportunity! He does it here when talking about his other students, he does it again to Kenjaku when he’s about to be sealed and he even calls Yuta more blessed than himself when they’re preparing for the Sukuna fight.

It is our sworn duty to glaze Yuta because it is what our GOAT would’ve wanted! Will you really let his final wishes be in vain? Let GOATjo’s will be so easily tossed to the side? No! We will not! For the sake of our glorious blue eyed king, we MUST defend the Wuta agenda!