This chapter is honestly so beautiful.
Chapter 265 has felt like a breath of fresh air. Because for once we got a peaceful chapter full of character interaction between Yuji and Sukuna that doesn't involve them both cursing at each other.
This also makes me feel a lot more for Yuji. Despite being an orphan, he still lived quite a peaceful childhood without much problems. But going through his memories, he also seemingly regains his value of life. Showing second thoughts on what he said in the first two chapters about how he wanted to die. And even presumably getting rid of his cog mentality. Yuji is really just a good boy in a cruel world that's trying to corrupt him. It's why I love him so much.
Now yes, to many people, this just seems like a talk no jutsu chapter where Yuji is trying to show Sukuna the value of life and "save" him. But Sukuna has made it clear that he understands everything but still won't change his mind about how he views life. Only to then realize that this entire time, Yuji was pitying him, looking down on him. And Yuji's thoughts on Sukuna haven't changed either. He still hates him for who he is and what he's done.
Yuji seemingly has Sukuna checkmate. So he's telling Sukuna to give up or he has to do things the hard way.
Also I just want to point out that those who are calling this chapter trash are hypocrites. Y'all have been begging Gege to give more character interactions and when he does, you're now complaining about it?
This chapter truly filtered out all those "fans" who came here from tik tok edits rather than actually reading the story.