Is anti-Zionism the new antisemitism?

So, there's a new subreddit around Zionism out there (pro-pali...but more like pure anti-Jew and antisemitic) and after browsing the sickening racism and anti-semites vitriol in there, it got me thinking and worried.

I'm seeing this movement (of anti-Zionism) grow every day and week since Oct 7. I think most of us knew where things were going when it was...1. anti-Israel 2. anti-zionist, then people started testing 3. anti-Jewish and 4. anti-Semetic rhetoric directly. Thankfully most of society still hasn't fully vested to 3 or 4 yet. So now you have racists openly using the most "acceptable" term being anti-Zionism to blanket the other terms and obfuscate meaning and discussions around the core concepts.

So, is anti-Zionism the new antisemitism? Are there legitimate claims of anti-Zionism that aren't antisemetic anymore? It seems like the common divide and conquer, especially for Jews in the diaspora.

How do "we" move people either back to being critical of the Israeli government or just go straight to pure racism and antisemetism? I can't deal with the semantics and dancing around the meanings anymore and I don't think that "we" should anymore. F this, let's reclaim Zionism.