Guys I want more movement tech so bad.
Pic related (me soaring through the air with my epic movement)
Or maybe just for wallclimb to work a little better but would Jeff be so super fun and cool if he could get boosts and jumps and stuff when he uses hide and seek in the right ways like with momentum and stuff. I already like all the tech Jeff has and it’s not enough I crave MORE.
Imagine being able to bounce off or in between walls? What if instead of always going into the ground we could choose to dive into any surface we’re touching. What if we had a leap ability we could charge while underground and could move gracefully across the map like dolphins?? I feel like it would be so awesome, and you could do so many creative things with an ability like that.
Do you guys agree? Awesome or no? Please feel free to tell me how you feel and why.
Pic related (me soaring through the air with my epic movement)
Or maybe just for wallclimb to work a little better but would Jeff be so super fun and cool if he could get boosts and jumps and stuff when he uses hide and seek in the right ways like with momentum and stuff. I already like all the tech Jeff has and it’s not enough I crave MORE.
Imagine being able to bounce off or in between walls? What if instead of always going into the ground we could choose to dive into any surface we’re touching. What if we had a leap ability we could charge while underground and could move gracefully across the map like dolphins?? I feel like it would be so awesome, and you could do so many creative things with an ability like that.
Do you guys agree? Awesome or no? Please feel free to tell me how you feel and why.