Can someone point me to a grief subreddit?

TW: Infant loss

Im sorry if this isn't allowed, I'm not a big reddit user and I don't know how to find the groups I need and it seems when I do Im never allowed to post because of low Karma or something.

I lost my baby girl two days after she was born(she was born January 8th) to a critical heart condition. She was my first baby, and it was absolutely traumatizing and unexpected. I have family and friends and a therapist but there comes a point where no one really knows what to say, unless youve been there, and thankfully no one in my life has been here.

It's a beautiful day outside today, and I miss my baby so much.

Again I'm sorry if this isn't allowed, I wasn't sure where else I'd be allowed to post and ask this though, I would just really love to be pointed in the direction of a group made for people going through similar tragedies. Thank you