The unnecessary question that is the most annoying of all "Can you make a different POV version even if the bot is directed to a different gender POV version?"
I don't understand this desire to ask for another version, whether it's Female Pov>Male Pov Or, Male Pov > Female Pov , even male/female pov > any pov. Like, I'm starting to find this so tiring, and look, I'm not even a bot creator, but just looking at the comments asking for this, you can feel on your skin that this gets to be irritating,the person can't make a little effort to take the entire biography of the bot and make their own desired version (Of course only in private), but if the description is hidden, just go to Discord to see if he has a card to do the same thing as the first one, or even make a persona just for that bot or simply give up and look for another one. I can say that the fact that there are many bot creators with only one point of view, which is easily lost and multiple bots, so there is no such annoying need to ask creators make a point of view that you want, because it can make them uncomfortable, if you haven't found a way, just stop and you will find another, I'm sure you will find one to your liking, without leaving the others uncomfortable.
Well, that was a little bit of my opinion about this type of people, for example, I don't really like male POV, but I have one or two male personas to use, since I love the work of the creators (Deva I love your bots), and I don't even need to be a pain, you just need to make a little effort, but if you can't do that, then you can just go out and look for other, This way you are respecting both the creator's decision and your choice.