Can you guys recommend me YT channels/other media where people speak patois that…
I would be able to understand as a native English speaker (if such a thing exists)? I wanna learn patois but I’m only willing to do it through watching normal content in patois that I understand until I am able to speak it myself as opposed to those videos where people just break down slang words and stuff. In the language learning community this is called consuming “comprehensible input” and I can personally vouch for its effectiveness in other languages. Just to make it absolutely clear in case I haven’t done a good job explaining thus far: Basically I’m trying to just consume enough content in patois that after a certain point I can understand all of it and speak it myself like how you have these random 11 year old kids all over the world that speak English and just picked it up after watching enough youtube videos, but the easier the content is to understand the quicker the process is so I’m looking for stuff that isn’t “learning material” like just stuff where people try to tell you what slang words mean but rather just normal videos in patois that I’ll be able to understand (because they speak slowly/clearly, because of visual cues in the videos, etc.) that will allow me to slowly develop the ability to speak and understand patois. Sorry didn’t think I would end up writing this much lmao but yeah thanks in advance for any resources you guys put me on to 🙏🙏