Worst ‘best friend(s)’ in JW books?

Thought this would be a cool post. I am going to go (in no particular order)

  • Cece from Katy- I think she was all too happy to abandon Katy as soon as she had her accident, and didn’t seem keen to see her even when Katy got out of hospital. I was pleased at the end when they ended up in different classes, Ryan was a lot nicer and I even preferred Eva to Cece!

  • Sally from the longest whale song - again, disloyal to Ella and palling up with another girl as soon as Ella was off school a lot due to her Mum’s coma.

  • Liz from the longest whale song- very selfish and immature I thought. Your best friend is in a coma, you get over your fear of hospitals and try and help. She came good in helping out Jack and Ella in terms of bringing them food and clothes, but was a bit childish at the start and was rude about Jack to Ella. Also was not bothered in getting to know Samson purely because babies ‘weren’t her thing.’ If she was a proper friend, she would’ve put that aside and made an effort.

  • Nadine from girls in love - where do I start? Ellie is annoying sometimes too, but Nadine is just downright cruel at points to Ellie, and takes crazy risks. I think the whole trio are a bit toxic honestly.

  • Jasmine from midnight. She was ok to Violet at the start, but it definitely stepped up a notch when she realised Violet was related to Will in the Library. I have no doubt she’d have got bored of Violet if Will wasn’t related to her.

  • Vicky from Vicky Angel- while it’s argued that her “wild” ghost version was exaggerated and in Jade’s imagination, even before she dies, Vicky is bossy and unkind.