Haven't even unwrapped my copy of 'Triangle strategy' yet and already feeling buyer's remorse. Can anyone "sell it" to me?
I got it as part of a "buy 3, get 1 free" deal for Switch games, and at first, I was excited for it because I remembered really liking the trailer a few years ago. But after looking at gameplay videos now, it looks... a bit bland and generic.
It doesn't have the zaniness of Disgaea's characters and special moves, nor is it as good-looking and beautifully animated as Unicorn Overlord, which I recently finished. And I'm just not sure what it has going for it. Because according to many reviews, even its story and characters are a bit meh.
I’m kinda bummed now that I didn’t get something else—maybe Metal Slug Tactics or finally playing Valkyria Chronicles 4 instead.
I know it's weird asking for a recommendation for a game I already own, but I'd appreciate it if anyone who played and liked it could tell me what makes this game stand out and worth playing