My friend thinks Jodio and Usagi will be gay lovers (Full Theory)
Now to get this out of the way, I have not consulted my friend on this so I might get a few of the details wrong lol.
Ok, so first point, as we know, Usagi's named is literally rabbit. The promotional art we had was the year of the rabbit, for the Chinese zodiac. That's something we've had for every part.
Wanna know something interesting? That rabbit is also known as a symbol for homosexual awakenings.
Another point is, Usagi is a people pleaser, constantly trying to get on everyone's good side, and rush headlong against everyone's personal space just because he's excited.
Funnily enough, there are three moments in which Usagi gets up in Jodio's personal space, and each time Jodio has a better reaction.
The first was in chapter one, when Jodio attacked him on the bus.
The second was when he was helping them figure out the Lava rock's capabilites, and asked Jodio if they could be best buds, to which Jodio backed away and nervously said that wasn't his thing.
The third was when Bag's Groove was beginning to mulch Usagi's brain, and he started hugging Jodio during the "You're my bff, my idd, and my kkd!" To which Jodio didn't push back at all, simply asking if he was ok.
Now, this is all weak evidence to be certain, but this is just to lay out the point that Usagi is slowly wearing down the walls Jodio has up through relentless affection.
Next point, Usually the stands musical references color the characters in a certain way, but sometimes that's not the case.
In part 9 however, the characters are far more in line with the songs they reference.
November rain is a song about how the state of love is in constant flux, and there is no permanence to love, which is what makes it beautiful. Which is great, because Jodio is searching for a permanent Mechanism that will grant him wealth, actively being the antithesis to the song he's based on.
The Matte Kudasai is about a lover, pining and waiting for someone. Which is also deeply in line with Usagi, because he is a people pleaser. He wants to be on everyone's good side.
Funnily enough, a lyric in that song is "pain, like rain that's falling."
I believe this shares a connection, what with love being connective tissue between the two songs.
A big part of Usagi's character is that he is way more intelligent then anyone gives him credit for. He's responsible for saving them from Cat Size, he deduced the capabilities of the Lave rock, and deciphered Meryl Mei's message.
I bring this up because it shows COMPETENCE. He is an incredibly useful person who just happens to be extremely clumsy.
Jodio, is a very opportunity oriented person. Whether or not he's a psychopath, he's still not the best person in the world. He already see's the value in Usagi as a teammate, which is why he, out of everyone, he listens, and truly takes what he says to mind. (Look back at everytime Usagi says something, and everyone doubts him, Jodio is usually the one who claims he was correct.)
Now, all this to say, we know that part 9 will focus on the development of this "scumbag" as Araki put it. He believes Jodio to be a bad person, and fully expects him to become a better person by the end.
And I believe that Usagi's relentless pursuit of Jodio's affection will be crucial in this positive development.
(I feel like that was everything, but I might have missed a lot lol)