Mark's human genes could potentially make him even stronger than a Viltrumite

(I haven't read the comics so this is all speculation) In the season 3 finale, a few interesting things happen...

Mark gets flung around during the majority of his fight with Conquest. No surprise there, he is a baby viltrumite crossbreed.

But one line from Conquest sticks out to me: "You think getting mad will make you stronger? That's not how it works."

But actually, that is how it works for humans... we have adrenaline glands. During high stress situations, our body releases adrenaline into itself. It dulls our pain receptors so we can focus, and lets us use our muscles beyond what they are normally capable of. Normally, our body's strength is restricted so we don't hurt ourselves. But our adrenaline overrides that in a life or death situation.

And in fact, this happens later in the fight. Mark thinks Eve died, and his adrenaline lets him punch Conquest so hard that it breaks his gauntlet and his own arm. We've possibly seen it a few other times: his fight with Machine head's hired hands, when Eve was about to be executed by the Flaxan, when he was fighting on Thraxa...

Viltrumites may not have adrenaline glands at all, if Conquest's words are anything to go by. They've been at the top for who knows how long, they don't need adrenaline. So they are limited by the fact that they can't push themselves harder than what they can normally do anyways.

This makes Mark unique among Viltrumites. Nolan says Mark is nearly full-blooded. Given Nolan is probably one of the few truly full-blooded Viltrumites, it makes sense. If that's true, then on his own, Mark is nearly as strong as a full-blooded Viltrumite in the first place. But his human adrenaline could potentially take him even further by allowing him to push his Viltrumite body past its usual limits. Making him truly... Invincible.

TL;DR Mark has a temporary zenkai boost because adrenaline