All my photos except snapshots are gone
I see that other people have this problem too. I don't even know what to feel, I had so many and I'm the type of person who never deletes anything. There were so many photos and I only backed up some of my favorites. When I went to Reddit to see what to do about the PS5 update getting stuck at 100% it was too late, I had already tried to restart it twice. And now every photo that isn't a snapshot is gone. Every single one. I have over 200 hours in this game and I was so into the photos, taking photos was one way to "save" things from events for me. I had pages and pages of photos in my album. I was so excited for this update. Now it feels like so much of the time I spent on this game is wasted because I can't get the photos back. I took so many pictures of the fireworks and only posted one snapshot of it and it's now GONE. I know it's stupid to be so devastated over a video game but this was such a comfort thing for me and I didn't realize I needed to be as stressed about backing up my data for this as I am with my real life photos... Now I pretty much only have the photos I saved to send to my friends. My comfort game just turned into a simulation of the time my computer broke and I lost 3 months worth of school work that I hadn't backed up.