Cheating Ex Wife reaching out 25+ years after divorce. What Gives?
Long story short, I caught my ex wife cheating, forgave her and stayed for the kids. Caught her cheating again a few years later with a different guy and called it quits. I filed for divorce, she moved in with her AP and never looked back. All she wanted was her AP. So I got sole custody of our kids (5, all under the age of 11 at the time) and lived my life as a single dad. She was 100% absent from our lives. The kids maintained a relationship with her parents (their grandparents) and on occasion, she’d see the kids when they were visiting with her parents. But that was it. She’s probably spent less than 48 hours total with the kids combined in the last 25 years….
7 years later I met my current wife. We married, added a son, and have been together nearly 18 years. The Kids are all adults now. They have very very little contact with my ex (their bio mom).
Now here’s the issue:
In the last 3 months (25+ years after we divorced and she took off with her AP) she’s started reaching out…. First sign was back in December with her wishing me a “Happy Anniversary” on FB Messenger. I mean seriously? We’ve been divorced 25+ years and she’s wishing me a happy anniversary on our former anniversary date? WTF? I didn’t respond to her message. Then she started sending me memes on FB Messenger about raising daughters (4 of my kids are girls) and commenting that I was such a “wonderful parent” and how the kids have “made me better” as a person and dad. She’s also started reaching out to the kids and that hasn’t gone well. I’ve received more than a few late night calls with the kids, upset over calls from their mother. Apparently she’s intoxicated when she calls them….
Last night at 1:00 a.m. she sent me a text message on my phone asking for a copy of our old family photos and our wedding photos. What gives? What game is she playing here? She literally hasn’t said 10 words to me since the night she left for her AP and now 25+ years later she’s all up in her feelings and reaching out…. WTF?
Can anyone explain this? And no she’s no longer with the AP she dumped us for. That guy dumped her within a few months of the divorce being final.
I just don’t get it?