6w1d scan, and measuring behind, no fetal pole
I guess I am just looking for information, either positive or negative. I became pregnant through IVF, so I know I should be 6w1d. My first scan showed me at 5w2d with a gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole. My RE stated that he was concerned because this was in addition to lower HCG ( 10dp5dt :60, 12dp5dt: 193, 14dp4dt: 380) and scheduled me for a follow up in a 11 days to see if there was any growth. I feel devastated, and don't know how I am going to get through the next week. I hate having to keep going with meds like I am pregnant but not have any hope. Now I have to go through Thanksgiving putting on a show that I am not pregnant, but actually am, but not really because it is not hopeful. I feel like I might just breakdown if anyone asks about how my IVF treatment is going at dinner. This limbo sucks, how do I get through it?