Chat wtf?! 😨

Me 17M, yesterday, sitting on my bed studying for my physics exam. My mom comes up to me and asks me if I want to marry my 11yo cousin in future.

Like I get it she is very cultural and religional (my mom)
But first of all, That gurl is like my lil sister, Even if she was older, she would never be my type, I am against cousin marriage, I do not wanna marry my cousin!!, SHE IS 6 YEARS YOUNGER THAN ME!!.

I went all "what the fuck?!" When I heard it and it's still on my mind on how could she ask me such shit. I said NO, and kept arguing over how I probably won't even think about marriage till my late 20s. And her response was "Marrying girls you know is better than marrying strangers", "have seen all the cases that have been going around" Mama I DO NOT want to marry my cousin!!