Dare costed ₹300 and now I am regretting it😭
So, my friend and I went to D-Mart, and we were picking up stuff we wanted to buy. Then, we came across the counter for condoms.
Since we’re always in the mood for some bakchodi, my friend dared me to buy one. I thought it would be much easier to buy it here rather than at a medical store.
But there were so many people around, mostly 50+ year-old uncles, which made it super embarrassing. So, I decided to take another round of the whole mart.
When I returned, there were still a few people, but comparatively fewer. I gathered all my courage, grabbed a random box without even looking at it, shoved it into my pocket, and walked away without turning back.
We went to a corner and checked the price—it was ₹300💀. Still, I thought, "A dare is a dare," so I decided to go ahead and buy it.
There were around eight payment counters, and six of them were manned by men. Thankfully, the place wasn’t crowded, so one counter was empty.
We went there and placed the other items first. Once the cashier was done with them, I pulled out the box. He scanned it, looked at me once (I avoided eye contact to stop myself from laughing), and I could tell he was probably thinking, "At this age?"
At the exit gate, there was a female staff member for the final check. She also glanced at my face once, but nothing else
We left the store, feeling like we had completed some epic mission💀.
We live in a PG, and everyone in our friend group is single. Now, we’re regretting it because we basically wasted ₹300😭.