FitTuber spreading Lots of sunscreen misinformation.

He released a video about sunscreens, I made a comment on that post which says the following (please tell me if I made mistakes):

You cant say chemical sunscreens are bad because of some chemicals used, not all chemical sunscreens use them. Mineral don't offer better protection than chemical ones cause again, it depends on the ingredients used on them that offer protection not if they are chemical or mineral.

You mentioned a research form cancer council which is a australian brand. Australia is very very strict on their sunscreens and mostly have chemical sunscreens.

8:24 you are wrong, this isn't a 100% mineral based sunscreen I can see tinosorb-M which is a hybrid filter which is chemical and mineral.

It also has butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane which is also called avobenzone which you said is only in chemical sunscreens 3:02 and is unstable with mineral sunscreen filters as mentioned on inci decoder (I don't think I can paste a link but search it)

8:47 I looked up the article you mentioned and understood thta you did not read it at all! The article is about Injectable silicones that are used for surgeries like cosmetic ones like hip and breast enlargement. NOT SUNSCREENS!

10:43 it contains dimethicone which is a silicone and you said silicone is "harmful" 3:02. So you are spreading misinformation but not even agreeing with yourself?

12:15 You say it has effectivel protection while a revievw that YOU show says it has less protection and doesn't prevent tannning. And ofc it won't it's PA++ which is low

Please research about the ingredients.

13:04 you say companies like Neutrogena and Minimalist don't offer protection just cause they are chemical based? Neutrogena is Widely found, economical and provides one of the bets protection. Aromamajic has spf 30 and less ( bare min someone in Indian heta should wear spf 30) and pa++ in 1 product and others not mentioned on the box (as seen in the video). Dot and key and aqualogica may not be the best but minimalist and Neutrogena have much better protection than aromamajic. They both have atleast spf50 and pa+++ with products also with pa++++ (which is the highest). DONT SPREAD MISINFORMATION

Your homemade Sunscreen, the protection im highly unsure about. Even if the ingredients are used in sunscreens they are tested in a lab to work and thry work with all the other ingredients to provide protection. You homemade doesn't work like that! Also Zinc may oxidize immediately in open air but it only forms a small layer thats nanometer thick. So its basically zinc only and that layer of ZnO provied very very less protection. Less than makeup.

To prove this you said u did the banana peel test but you never showed how long it was or anything in fact u just cut thr clip from u applying to saying it works. That has 0 value

Fruits dont provide sun protection!!! Nothing that you eat does they are just gimmick. Sun protection can only be obtained from above the skin.