Paladin Knight vs Hive Tyrant (Bloodbath…) Battle Report!
After my last post I had some Redditors ask for a battle report. My wife and I rolled some dice and it was just a bloodbath. No situation we created did the Hive Tyrant stand a chance. It was 100% instant kill every time from the Paladin. His chainsaw cut through Cthulhu like a hot knife in butter. That said here was the first match because it was hilarious.
Hive Tyrant charges and attacks with 6 attacks from Bonesword and Lash Whip. 5 hit. 3 wound and 2 fail out of the 5 hits. Using twin linked I re-roll the wounds but both fail again. My wife saves one and takes 6 damage. Next Tyrant Talons rolls 5 dice. I roll 5 one’s needing 2+ 😭😭😭😭😭 I re-roll one miss and roll… another 1!!!!!!!! My wife is on the floor at this point.
Paladin goes next. 4 attacks, 3 hit, one miss - uses seasonal noble to re-roll hit roll. All four attack, all four wound rolling four 6’s. Hive Tyrant saves two and takes twelve damage.
Game Over 😂