3 Failed Cycles, what should I ask/try?

I am 35, with DOS. last AMH was .81 FSH 14, the year previous AMH was 1.12 and FSH 7. I have one daughter that I had when I was 30, no issues in getting pregnant After TTC for 3 years for number 2, we went straight to IVF ( My BCBS of MA has no limits, and I only have copays for meds). No issues with my husband's sperm quality

I cannot remember the first protocol, I think I was a bit naïve that it would all work out that first go around. I thought that my age, and the fact I already had a child naturally put me at an advantage. I was very wrong

First round got 11 eggs, 9 mature, one fertilized, 0 blasts.

Second round, my insurance approved ICSI. My RE started me on clomid day 2 for 5 days, with 300 units gonal in AM and PM, and 20 units LD HCG PM. I triggered with HCG and Lupron.

This round I got 7 eggs, 6 mature, 6 fertilized, 2 blasts. Had a fresh transfer that failed to implant. I took the summer off to focus on my mental and physical health, and came back in the Fall 10lbs lighter, and in a great mental state. I felt 100% confident that the FET would be successful. The embryo did stick, but I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks. The RE stated that the embryo most likely had abnormalities that kept it from growing.

The miscarriage really screwed up my mind. I started analyzing everything I ate and drank (at this point I really didnt change my diet or lifestyle during stims.) I removed added sugar and artificial sugar from my diet, only natural foods, nothing processed, cut out coffee entirely. I exercised regularly, took vitamin E, fish oils, COq10, vitamin D, and prenatal. I felt great, I felt confident.

Third round, we kept with the same protocol, as we did get 2 blasts from it last time. I started 1 cycle after my miscarriage. This time I did not respond well at all. We only got 3 eggs, 2 mature, only 1 fertilized, and 0 blasts.

So at this point, after a year, and about to turn 36. What should I ask my RE? What different meds or protocols should I try?