Found out yesterday I'm going the IVF route, What's one thing you wish you knew before you started this experience?
I had a meeting with my reproductive endocrinologist yesterday and the long story short is that I was presented with the option to move forward with IVF. While I still need to undergo pre-testing (e.g., labs, mock transfer, etc.), and figure out my insurance coverage (it covers some but I want a close idea of the final out-of-pocket cost), I'm having a whirlwind of emotions. Excitement. Anxiety. Fear. Hope. And all of that...
One thing I am curious to ask others here is what is one thing you wish you had been told before you started your IVF experience? Or, thinking of this another way, what is one thing you'd tell yourself if you could go back in time to that initial appointment when you found out "Okay, yes, we're going to be moving forward with IVF"?
When I'm feeling anxious, I like to try and anticipate wh might happen or how to be best prepared when things unexpected might arise. I'm working on trying to be okay with things I cannot control, but it's not how my brain is wired. I'd really appreciate any advice you have!