Career Pathways Q &A

What is career pathways? Am I too late? How do I start?

If you are reading this and it is BEFORE September 30, 2024 you have time! Career Pathways is a program for actively working ihss providers. They are free classes you're paid hourly for and there are a few incentives still available. The bulk of the pay comes from taking classes. The first thing to know is that there are 233.5 hours of classes that are self-paced. Each of those classes are paid hourly pay. You can submit up to 24 hours in a day of classes and ihss. WHAT? Yes. So if you work 10 hours of ihss, you can submit 14 hours of classes for that day. There is no violation for classes. Submit your normal working hours. In addition submit classes.

For example, if your weekly max hours is 35, and you work 5 hours a day 7 days a week for ihss, each of those days you can also do 19 hours of classes. That means you will be paid OT for the classes. How?

Sunday: 5 hours of IHSS+19hours of classes=24 hours of pay. Monday:5 hours of IHSS+19hours of classes=24 hours of pay. Tuesday:5 hours of IHSS+19hours of classes=24 hours of pay. Wednesday:5 hours of IHSS+19hours of classes=24 hours of pay. Thursday:5 hours of IHSS+19hours of classes=24 hours of pay. Friday:5 hours of IHSS+19hours of classes=24 hours of pay. Saturday:5 hours of IHSS+19hours of classes=24 hours of pay.

24hours a day×7days=168hours 168hrs-40hrs regular paybis 128hours of OT.

128hrs of OT is 3456$ 40hrs regular pay is 720$

So one weeks pay is 4176$+1000$incentive is.......A LOT. SO please do self-paced classes asap.

First step is to go here to register for what are called ESL classes. You can take them even if you speak English. They're 100 hours of pay.

You will need to fill out this Google form and wait for Homebridge to enroll you in the program. If you do not hear back from them in 2 business days, email them at:

[email protected]

You don't have to do any of the other weird things they email you, just classes 2132-2166.

Next you need to register for self-paced 360 classes. You will need this code: 744016 to get started.

Each class needs the timer to run for half of the class time. If a class is 3 hours, stay in the class and finish the quiz after the 1.5 hrs passes.

Once you get a certificate by finishing a class you need to submit it on the IHSS website where we do our paycheck. Look under Time Entry>Career Pathways>Training time. Submit each certificate on there as training time. Follow the directions in each drop down menu. Click submit. 

You cannot submit incentives until you are paid. Check the resources tab on ihss after you log into the portal and look for your training report. Incentive 2 is still attainable but 3 is not unless you finished specialized classes by April 30. You will need to call CDSS and find out what specialized pathway your client has. Then you will need to get into those classes the day they open within minutes of opening to get incentive 2. You submit incentive 2 by completing all specialized classes by September 30, then working for October 1-31 and submitting the ONE MONTH incentive on November 1.

Classes open on August 28th between 9 and 10 a.m. OR they may open early.



There are numerous other vendors for zoom and in-person classes.

They are almost impossible to get into. You can look at my other posts, comments and answers to questions by going to my profile.

Payments take 2-8 weeks. Some will be paid quick some will take longer. Submit each class one at a time as soon as you finish it.

Program site:

List of all classes:

Please ask me questions on this post.


This letter is to inform you that the IHSS Career Pathways Program has been extended! Courses will be available through September 30, 2024. All course completion payment claims must be submitted by November 15, 2024.


The IHSS Career Pathways Program offers training opportunities for IHSS/WPCS providers to enhance their provider skills and improve the quality of care for their recipients.


Providers who have completed provider enrollment are eligible to participate. Participation is voluntary, and the training is available statewide and free to IHSS/WPCS providers.


The IHSS Career Pathways Program course catalog, registration information, and payment information is available online at the IHSS Career Pathways Program website.


The Career Pathways Training Time and Incentive claims can only be submitted online using the Electronic Services Portal (ESP). Training Time Claims should only be submitted after course completion. Incentive claims should only be submitted after the requirements have been met.


Payment Claims are reviewed and processed by CDSS staff in the order they are received, not by the course completion date. An email or text message will be sent by CDSS staff to the provider indicating the claim is either approved, rejected, or partially approved/rejected. Claim and payment status are also available in the provider’s individual ESP account.


Key Dates to Remember:

• To meet the requirements for the One-Month Incentive (Type 2), 15 hours in a specialized pathway must be completed by September 30, 2024, and the 40 hours per month worked after the completion of those hours must be completed by October 31, 2024.

• To meet the requirements for the Six-Month Incentive (Type 3), 15 hours in a specialized pathway must be completed by April 30, 2024, and the six months of 40 hours per month worked after the completion of those hours must be completed by October 31, 2024.

• IHSS and WPCS Providers must submit Training and Incentive claims by November 15, 2024.

• All claims will be processed by December 31, 2024.

Friendly Reminder:

• If you are no longer able to attend a course, please send cancellation notification to the Training Provider so that other IHSS Providers are able to enroll.

• Providers may attend training only during time periods when they are not providing IHSS/WPCS services to their recipient(s).

If you need additional resources or information about the IHSS Career Pathways Program, please visit the IHSS Career Pathways Program website.


Provider questions regarding claim and payment status should be referred to the following email address: [email protected] or by phone at 916-651-7167.



The California Department of Social Services


Thank you for being a caregiver. What you do is so important and so special. Also please remember that this job and this life requires a higher level of kindness, care and compassion. Each one of us should be honest and held to a higher standard. Do what's right. Be kind. Be a helper.